
Showing posts from 2006

On gifts, with seven shopping days left to Christmas...


I (heart) Gingerbread Lattes

Small Acts of Kindness

Why Trick-or-Treaters are like CEOs


Hot time, summer in the city...

From the NY Times

Max is not alone!

When good cartoons go bad

News Flash

Are people inherently pricks?


When you care just enough to send something somewhat desirable... but not to everyone in the office

Oysters? Little oysters? But answer, there came none...

Eats and Pleats No More!

What to do if you've got hipsters?

The death knell sounds for MySpace

Can Extreme Makeover Home Edition save America?

Nothing says I'm pissed off like exposing my penis.

When one wife just isn't enough...


The occasional spurt of fiction...

Dr. Harvey Weinstein At Your Service

Dr. Weinstein's Encounter...