New York Does Suck Sometimes...
I don't think I need to vent about the trash and dirt everywhere, but today there's a new plague dousing the city - melting ice. Every scaffold in the city is leaking like a faucet, plunking freezing drops of filthy water onto the top of my head when I walk under them, and there's no not walking under them. Lame.
My other pet peeve of the week has to do with laundry facilities. I.E. I have none. If I want to wash my own clothes I have to drag my laundry through the streets of Brooklyn and vie for the few non-"for staff use only" washing machines at the dingy Union Street laundromat or I have to wash my clothes in a bucket in my tub. How modern! How convenient! Instead, I wind up dragging my hefty bag of soiled garments to the Chinese laundry place that's closest to my house where, although probably cheaper than the self-service one, I wind up with shirts with too-short sleeves and pants that make me look like an 8th grade boy who just had a growth spurt. Awesome.
I just didn't want you all to still be so jealous of New York's otherwise fabulousness. ;)